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What in the World is Wrong with Everybody? | Episode 33 home of bear his cross podcast

Have you asked yourself, “What in the World is wrong with everybody?” It seems that we constantly have strife and contention at every turn. The question is not just in the political world but in all aspects of life. This podcast episode is for you if you have asked yourself this question.

Episode 33 will give a brief answer to why the world seems so contentious. The answer may surprise you. Hopefully, by the end of this episode, the links to why the world is in the state it is in will paint a clearer picture of what is wrong. Here is a hint, it’s not about race but the family to which each person belongs.

The scripture reference for this episode will be 1 John 3:9-10, Ephesians 2:1, Ephesians 4:17-24, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Romans 6:17, 2 Timothy 3:1-4, and 1 Peter4:3.

Be sure to listen to the other podcasts from Bear His Cross by subscribing to your favorite podcast provider found in the links below, and may God bless you in the love of Jesus Christ.

There is Only One Race

Every problem that seems to come across the world’s desk today tends to be about race in some form or fashion. Christian standards should eliminate the idea of race being the problem. If you are a follower of Darwinism, this would be a problem. Christians, however, know that there is only one race, the human race.  

However, inside the one race world that we live in, there are two families, and the differences between the two families are night and day. On the one hand, we have the family of God, and this family understands that all people require a savior. More on this family in just a few minutes. 

On the other hand, is the family of Satan. Yes, there are only two, and each person is in one or the other. Depending on which family each person is part of will determine how they live, act, and spend eternity. As I have stated many times, the Bible is very “binary.” Keeping this in mind will help all understand what is wrong with everybody.

what in the world is wrong with everybody? episode 33

Differences in the Two Families

1 John 3:9 states, “Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.” The idea that we become perfect on Earth is not implied in this statement, and it is a character mindset of each believer. You will sin, and that is human nature, but it is the idea of doing your best not to that makes the difference.

1 John 3:10 states, “In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother.” The contrast in the two gives us a glimpse of what is wrong with everybody in today’s world. Simply put we have two families. One family is God’s the other is Satan’s. Pretty simple right?

What is in the World is Wrong with Everybody?

It is as simple as stating that the two families are different from each other. The transformational life that comes with being part of God’s family demands we treat everyone with love. The family of Satan causes hatred, strife, and envy. Remember we do not have righteousness in ourselves, it is a gift of God.

How we love other, give respect and obedience to God’s word gives evidence of the family we belong to. We love those not in our family to Jesus. So when you ask yourself what is what in the world is wrong with everybody, remember, we are part of the same race, but two totally different families.

Have a Happy Easter and thanks for listening!

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