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The Prodigal Son Part 2 – God’s Viewpoint of the Prodigal Son

the prodigal son series - bear his cross podcast

The prodigal son part 2 shows that Jesus was clear when discussing the prodigal son and what happened to him after he left his father’s land. The taller the skyscraper, the deeper the need is for the foundation.

In the prodigal son part 2, Thurston and David discuss how God views us as his creation. If you have found yourself backslidden, or not in God’s saving grace, this podcast is for you!

Be sure to listen to the full series on the prodigal son.

God’s Viewpoint

The prodigal son part 2 shows that Jesus was clear when discussing the prodigal son and what happened to him after he left his father’s land. The taller the skyscraper, the deeper the need is for the foundation. In the prodigal son part 2, Thurston and David discuss how God views us as his creation. If you have found yourself backslidden, or not in God’s saving grace, this podcast is for you!

“And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!”
– Luke 15:17

In this parable taught by Jesus, symbolism plays a part. We as mankind are the younger son, the father is symbolic of God. In part 2, Thurston gives the viewpoint of how God will view you if you are in the place of the prodigal son.

The Prodigal Son Part 2: Awakening

Romans 2:8-9 states, “And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger!” The prodigal son realizes that he has left his father’s love and care. This son then learns that the hired servants at his father’s house are dining better than he is. This is important for all of mankind to help us to realize God’s viewpoint of where we are in life.

the prodigal son part 1 sin leads to dangerous destructive form the chapter of luke 15
The Prodigal Son Part 2 - God's Viewpoint of the Prodigal Son 1

In the prodigal son Part 2, the prodigal son realizes that he needs to return home. Thurston tells the story of Bobby Bowden and helping troubled youth. Coach Bowden stated, “The great ones will be accountable for their flaws.” This is in contrast to our modern-day society.

Luke 15 and Modern-day Society

Satan is deceitful. He has to lie to get us to step away from the goodness that God has planned for all of us. When someone follows the lie of Satan, anger, rage, and wrath will follow. The best advice that we could offer someone is to “return home.” Going back to the father is always the best course of action.

“And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.”
– Luke 15:20

Jesus taught in Luke 15:20 “And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him.” This teaching from Jesus shows God’s viewpoint of the prodigal son. Thurston states, “This is the only place in the Bible that God runs.” When the best we can be is filth, God still loves us enough to run to us.

Be sure to join us for the next part of the Prodigal Son, by subscribing to the Bear His Cross podcast on your favorite podcast provider.

Bear His Cross Podcast Host

david marks host of bearhiscross and

David Marks


David is the Registrar for the DeKalb County School System. A rural county in Alabama. He loves the “Mayberry” mentality to life. David is the product of a small town, and I feel the heartbeat of America lies in places like this across our country.

bear his cross co-host thurston garrett

Thurston Garrett


Thurston Garrett is the pastor of Lacey’s Chapel Baptist Church located in Henagar, Alabama. Reverend Garrett has been working in the ministry and study of God’s word for many years in Alabama and Georgia.

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