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The Last Days in the Book of Revelation Part 2 | Episode 19

the last days podcast series

The last days in the book of Revelation part 2 describes the last days in detail and symbolism. Episode 19 will be part two of the study series wrap-up.

In this podcast, we will discuss the remaining chapters of the Book of Revelation in an overview that is going to finalize this series. If you have not listed to the previous podcast in this series, please do. It will help build details discussed in episode 19.

Be sure to listen to the entire series on “The Last Days” and other topical podcasts from Bear His Cross by subscribing to your favorite podcast provider found in the links below.

The book of Revelation: Final Seals

As we begin Chapter 7, we see that three will be some who are spared from these events. 144,000 Jews, 12,000 from each tribe. The 144,000 will not be able to be killed during the tribulation because they are sealed, and they will be preaching the gospel. These ministers will be very effective at sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. How do we know this? Verse 9 states, “After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands.”

This multitude will be as a result of those 144,000 who are preaching the gospel during the second half of the tribulation period. This speaks volumes of God’s grace and Salvation. This is also a reference to those who were crying out after the fifth seal because there would still be those who accept Christ as their savior and will be killed for this belief. Now their relief is now taking place as we conclude chapter seven.

In the book of Revelation, the seventh seal is now opened (8:1). When this seal is opened there is silence in heaven, which means that the worship has stopped. After this time period of half an hour, we now see that the trumpet judgments are about to take place. We see John’s writings of this in the book of Revelation 8:6.

The book of Revelation: The Trumpets

Verse 7 states, “The first angel sounded and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.” This judgment on vegetation is a judgment on man. Without vegetation man cannot eat, not to mention the change of oxygenation in the world. The cycle which God designed for us to breathe is not hindered by this first trumpet.

The second trumpet sounds and a great mountain, maybe a meteor, or a volcanic eruption takes place. One-third of everything in the seas is dead. ⅓ of all ships were destroyed. Imagine the smell of ⅓ of all sea/ocean life floating on top of the waters. We have ⅓ of all vegetation dead, now ⅓ of all ocean life is dead. This is one large stinking, decaying mess that is on Earth at this time. In his time on Earth, man has failed to recognize God’s creation, and now God has taken it away.

Verse 10 states, “And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters.” This is a judgment on freshwater. Water is essential to physical life. Now an essential item to life has become bitter, or unusable. We know that the water becomes unusable because of what verse 11 states. “ …and many men died of the waters because they were made bitter.”

the book of revelation part 2 episode 19
The Last Days in the Book of Revelation Part 2 | Episode 19 1

The fourth angel sounds the trumpet and ⅓ of the Sun is “smitten” along with ⅓ of the moon and stars. Image again, what this would do to the day. Vegetation that is left cannot carry out photosynthesis. No doubt with eclipses taking place constantly Earth will be in utter chaos. Even vitamin D which our bodies need will be diminished. I doubt taking a multivitamin will be the top priority for those left at this time.

Verse 13 in chapter 8 of the book of Revelation concludes the chapter by using the phrase “Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabitants of the earth.” There are more dangerous trumpets to come. It is hard to imagine what is going to take place next!

The book of Revelation: Satan’s Fall

The fifth angel sounds in chapter 9, and Lucifer falls from heaven. He has the key to the bottomless pit, which contains all the demons that God has locked away for this time. Lucifer is now going to release these demons. This will be a plague on those on Earth, except to those who have God’s seal. They can only torment the men, but not kill them. Verse 6 states, “ And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them.”

The sixth angel then blows the trump and the Euphrates gives up the angels designated for this time. ⅓ of mankind is now wiped out. An army of 200 million will come from the east. This could possibly be an army from somewhere like China. Massive weapons of war will be unleashed, as stated in verse 18, “ By these three was the third part of men killed, by the fire, and by the smoke, and by the brimstone, which issued out of their mouths.” Yet without this mankind still did not repent.

The Two Lampstands

The 11th chapter of the book of Revelation describes the two lampstands. The two witnesses are to proclaim Christ as king to those on Earth. No doubt the woke crowd of today, and those of this time will hate these two men. They are protected by God, until an appointed time. They can control the weather, turn water into blood, and no doubt CNN will have special coverage of them each night. The last Antichrist will kill them in Jerusalem. Their bodies are left in the street and the world will see them. This will no doubt be made possible by television, satellite, or social media. The men left on earth will rejoice at their death.

After 3 ½ days, they will “stand on their feet” which will cause great fear for those who see them either in person or online. They will be ushered away to heaven in a cloud. 1/10th of Jerusalem will fall in an earthquake and 7,000 people will die. So much so that now those here decide to give glory to God in heaven.

The seventh trumpet is now about to sound. Chapter 12 of the book of Revelation gives us a glimpse of what is going to take place on the Earth, as Satan and his followers war with Michael and are permanently kicked out of heaven. Remember in Job, where Satan had access. Now he and his followers no longer have this access and demonic forces are running rampant on Earth. The Antichrist will attack God’s people for the last 3 ½ years. He will be accompanied by the false prophet. This prophet will point everyone to worship the last Antichrist. Everyone in the world will be a roaming maniac.

The Mark of the Beast and 7 Plagues

All people on earth will then be only allowed to buy or sell without having a number. The number given is 666 and will be the marking that allows only transactions to take place if you have the mark. If you think this is impossible, or could never happen, look to digital banking. Your account can be cut off immediately. This will no doubt be a governmental mandate from the Antichrist himself. Now comes the 7 last plagues on mankind.

The first plague in the book of Revelation is a plague of sores on men who have the mark of the beast or worshiped the Antichrist. The second turns the sea to blood. Everything dies in the sea. The third plague now hits all freshwater. The fourth plague is upon the sun and it scorches men to death. Even now they still curse God. The fifth plague left men in darkness, and they gnawed their tongues for pain. Men still cursed God and did not repent. The sixth was the drying of the river Euphrates and sets the stage for the battle of Armageddon

The three in the “unholy trinity” are now present. They deceive men with great works and draw them to the battlefield to stand against God. If you have not listened to the podcast about the last Antichrist, again this would be a good time to do so. Daniel 11 describes this battlefield. At this time we see chapter 16, the seventh plague is now taking place.

Everything has collapsed as we see in the book of Revelation chapter 18. Economics, banks, and money have collapsed. Everyone is just trying to survive at this time. Chapter 17 shows us that even travel has collapsed. It’s important to even note that verses 22-23 will show the party is over on Earth. At this point, we finally see rejoicing in heaven in chapter 19. The marriage supper of the lamb is ready!

In verse 17, God calls the birds to eat the flesh of all men who will be slaughter at the battle of Armageddon. At this time, the last antichrist, the false prophet will be cast into the lake of fire. Satan is then bound for 1,000 years (whether this is literal or figurative). Satan is then loosed, and the Great White Throne Judgement takes place. Here is where Satan and those not found in the Book of Life are cast into the lake of fire for eternity.

At this time believers are ushered into the New Heaven and the New Earth, and there we will be with Jesus for eternity.

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