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The Last Days in the Book of Revelation | Episode 18

the last days podcast series

The last days in the book of Revelation part 1 describes the last days in detail and symbolism. Episode 18 will be part one of two of the study series wrap-up.

In this podcast, we will discuss Chapters 1-6 of the Book of Revelation in an overview that is part one to finalize this series. If you have not listed to the previous podcast in this series, please do. It will help build details discussed in episode 18.

Be sure to listen to the entire series on “The Last Days” and other topical podcasts from Bear His Cross by subscribing to your favorite podcast provider found in the links below.

The Last Days in the Book of Revelation

To recap the podcast series, the Last Days, we will be taking a tour through the Book of Revelation. This book reveals the splendor and the glory of Jesus Christ. This book also offers a blessing to those who read or following the teacher in the book in Chapter one, verse three. It also offers a blessing with the closing in Chapter 22, verse seven.

Revelation is the key to events that God has laid out for the last portion of his Messianic timetable. The book is about the Revelation of Jesus Christ, the revealing of the Last Days and about Jesus Christ., To give some background information, John is exiled to the island of Patmos for his ministry in Jesus Christ. God used this planned portion of John’s life to lay out God’s plan of events that pertain to mankind and in reference to the last messianic of Jesus, the savior.

Let us now begin with the sequence of events of the last days in the book of Revelation. The writings of the churches are important because of what takes place between chapters 3 and 4. If you are not sure of what I am talking about, please go back and listen to the first podcast of this series. The rapture has now taken place, and the events starting in chapter four will be void of those saved.

Heaven in Chapter 4

The theme of heaven was worship. Chapter four begins by seeing the third phase of “was, is, to come.” John now sees a vision of the throne of God. It is important to state that the “rainbow” is a symbol of God’s faithfulness to believes and mankind. This is a reference back to Genesis and Noah and post-flood.

Around the throne are 24 thrones. The 24 thrones are, in my opinion, are the members of the church. This is symbolic of the raptured church, living with Christ in glory. The crowns are symbolism of the rewards given to those churches. In my opinion, this is not Israel due to them singing “a new song.” This is the redeemed believers singing, those who are saved.

the last days in the book of revelation part 1
The Last Days in the Book of Revelation | Episode 18 1

All of heaven is worshiping God at this moment. Again, heaven is a place where all beings worship God. In chapter five, however, the worship is broken. At the moment appears the seven seals. To give background into the vision, John sees, by Romans law, wills were to be sealed seven times. The scroll would be rolled, sealed, rolled more, then sealed, etc. This was to prevent the “document” from being unsealed without permission. Now let us take a look at the seals in the last days in the book of Revelation.

The Last Days in the Book of Revelation: The Seals

The seals are the “will” of God. Now the angel proclaims, “who is worthy to open the seals (the will of God).” No man could do this. A man was not even qualified to look on the “will” of God. The redeemed know that only Jesus Christ can open this will. The symbolism of the lamb with seven horns is seen. Seven meaning that this lamb has full power. Seven eyes are perfect wisdom.

This lamb is full of power and wisdom, and this is Jesus Christ. Jesus takes the scroll and says, now, I will take back the Earth. Worship now continues. Those in heaven have lived through the sorrows of the fall of man on Earth. Worship would take place because now the King and events he brings will come to pass. Jesus is going to take back the Earth. Let us continue with the last days in the book of Revelation.

Each seal that breaks open now reveals what is going to take place on the Earth. The first seal broken open brings peace to the Earth (6:1-2). John sees the vision of a rider on a white horse. He has a bow but no arrows. He had a crown, and he conquered. He conquered without war, hence the bow with no arrows. This is a false peace. It is energized by the last Anti-Christ. If you have not heard our podcast on this subject, follow the link here to listen. Daniel 9:27, where we are told he “sets up a false peace.” This is a false Christ.

The peace is false and therefore doesn’t last long, and the second seal is opened (6:3-4). The second horse is seen and is red. It’s worth mentioning that these are the four horsemen of the apocalypse. The red horse rider brings war. As we are told, “they will kill one another.” The false peace of the last Antichrist is over, and now the war has ensued. The third seal is now open in the last days in the book of Revelation.

The rider of this horse has a set of scales (6:5-6), or balances, in his hand. Verse 6 explains that a measure of wheat for a denarius. This symbolism shows starvation and food shortages. People will work all day for wages that are less than what is needed to feed themselves for the day. It is famine conditions, except for the wealthy, “hurt not the wine and the oil.” The poor will starve. I would

The fourth seal is death (6:7-8). The “rider on the pale horse” is following the war and famine. These events are not only natural events that take place presently but will be multiplied in the last days. This death is followed by hell because death and hell are collecting all of the dead. Remember, believers, are already gone. Death was given to kill a quarter of all those left on the Earth.

Book of Revelation: Seals 5-7

After death, the fifth seal (6:9-11) is now opened. The redeemed people of the earth who are slaughtered by the last antichrist are gathered together. They cry out for God to avenge the persecution and death they suffered for belief in Christ. White robes are given to this group, and they are told to rest until they are joined by those who will also be killed for their belief in Jesus as the savior. This is very important when we look at the timetable of events in Revelation. This follows the statement, “it’s not over until it’s over.” The events to take place are not over yet.

The sixth seal (6:12-17) is then opened, and the world is about to get changed. If you are worried about climate change, it can hold nothing compared to the 6th seal change. Earthquakes take place, the Sun goes black, the moon becomes like blood, and stars fall from heaven. John relates the change in space to be as scrolled when scolded together. Imagine you take a measuring tape that is pulled out and then it is let go. It’s going to roll quickly and with obvious change. The last days in the book of Revelation describe more changes to Earth.

Every mountain and island will move out of its place. It is hard to imagine what is taking place during these events. Not only have stars fallen, what today we could call major meteor showers, but the Sun also goes black. Let me pause a moment here and ask you. What would this do to time as we know it? Events would be drastically changed if a solar eclipse was occurring constantly. Notice also that rules and all people hide and know where this power is coming from.

Verse 16 states, “ And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:” Evil people knowing where this is coming from does not want to repent, they only be for death to take them out. It makes you wonder why they do not repent, but “as the days of Noah,” people love sin more than repentance. The life they have is still greater than surrendering to Christ. We will conclude the last days in the Book of Revelation in part 2 in the next episode.

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