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The Dangerous Doctrines of False Churches| Episode 32

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The dangerous doctrines of false churches have been around for quite some time, and we are not surprised by this taking place. The Christian Church has always been under attack, and Satan loves to attack the Church by changing the Church into something false or false teaching.

Episode 32 will discuss how Satan uses false doctrine to attack and change the truth of the false Church into a lie. The dangerous principles from the false churches are essential for believers to recognize to guard themselves in the world that we walk in.

The scripture reference for this episode will be John 4:24, John 10:27,

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The Dangerous Doctrines of False Chruch

Something that needs to be brought to a believer’s attention is the attack that comes from our adversary. Satan loves to attack the Church and create a false narrative about who God is and what the Church is. In the audio clip from this podcast episode, the pastor of the Chosen Family Church explains.

“god is non-binary, god is queer, god is autistic.” The statement given in the audio clip is nothing but a lie. In his explanation, he states that god is neither male nor female, and the idea is false. Jesus refers to “our Father” in the Bible. Considering that this person is trying to relate the Biblical God to the entity he believes in.

First, all people are welcome in the Church. However, it is essential to note that sin is not part of the congregation. Let us look at the example of the woman caught in adultery. Jesus doesn’t state that he accepts her sin, and he tells her to “go and sin no more.” Seem s pretty clear in the Biblical passage that sin is not something accepted.

The True Church and Sin

Those who want to be part of the Church cannot continue in a lifestyle of sin. Paul stated that he had to die daily to his sin. Calling yourself a follower of Christ does not allow grace to be used as a credit card. We are to take the tenet to go and sin no more. We should eradicate sin from our life as much as possible.

the dangerous doctrines of false churches episode 32

In the example from the podcast, we use the example of murder. Suppose a church of murders was created to affirm that all murders can be celebrated. We would stand against it. We, as believers, do not celebrate murder. Another example is stealing. If a church celebrated a stealing church, we would call it a false church.

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.

John 10:27

Mom and Dad, this is why it is so important to teach your children at a young age how crucial biblical teaching is. Satan loves to draw attention away from who God is. God is a spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in ..” spirit and truth.” In John 10, Jesus states, “My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.”

As believers in Christ, we can hear the voice of the shepherd. We know the tone, and we know the call. When a false voice makes the call, we can detect the difference. Jesus was straightforward to clarify who God is, our Heavenly Father. The audio clip contains someone who wants to justify their faults by attaching them to God. The thought of a non-binary god is simply a life from Satan.

False Churches

To put human connotations on God removes the Godhead of Christ. Jesus came as a man, but not just any man. God sent his Son, Jesus, to be the perfect sacrifice for our sin. To teach any other principle on Christianity to say Jesus was not perfect removes his ability to be our sacrifice for sin. We needed a perfect sacrifice, and only one in the history of time has fit that need, Jesus Christ.

Christ came as the only sacrifice. Biblical teaching is very rigid. As a matter of fact, the idea of Hell is very rigid. God created Hell for Satan and his angels, but because of man’s disobedience, Hell has enlarged itself. The idea that all will go to heaven is not accurate. Paul further stated that when false doctrines will be taught but lead to death.

In Galatians 1:9, Paul stated, “If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.” Paul gave a pretty rigid statement, and there was no excuse or bending of the words. Christ is the only way, truth, and life. Jesus taught we have a heavenly Father.

The Dangerous Doctrines

Folks may say that it is hate speech to stand against this false doctrine. Those who may say so are further from the truth. Hate speech is to know the truth and never to correct the falsehood. Satan is a liar, and he loves to deceive. To teach truth and correct false teaching is love speech.

Believers are to be as infallible as possible in a fallible world. We must remove the sin in our life. Each day when we look in that spiritual mirror, we should not see ourselves but see Christ. A Christ who was rigid in teaching, loving, and died so that all could escape Hell.

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