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Churches of Revelation: Warning and Assurance | Episode 17

the last days podcast series

The scripture references in this podcast come from Revelation chapter 2 and chapter 3. The churches were given warnings and assurances for their ministry for Jesus Christ. The writing to the churches of Revelation is important to churches today.

The seven churches of Revelation were actual churches many of which were established by Paul’s ministry. Today’s world will find the same type of churches in existence and are warning and assurances to believers today. Join in for episode 17 where lessons will be given on how we can find the exact same churches in our modern world.

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The Seven Churches of Revelation

The church’s the letters were sent to were primarily because of the ministry of Paul, the apostle. Ephesus being the key church and then the spreading of church development into Asia Minor. Now that we have some background out of the way, let’s begin.

Eternal God is named as the one who was, who is, and is to come. This is backed up by the phrase, Alpha and Omega. Isaiah 11:2 lists seven unique ministries of God, and Revelation gives reference to the ministries in the opening. These are the seven spirits before the throne. This is a letter from the trinity. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The dedication of this book is to Jesus Christ.

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

Revelation 1:8

John’s initial vision is Jesus Christ among seven lampstands. These lampstands represent seven different churches. Each church is given by name and no longer exists. However, the representation is clear that the churches are also churches that are still in existence today. He (Jesus) is moving through his church of trimming the church.

Introduction to Revelation

Chapter one is the things that have been seen. Chapter two is the present things seen. The order continues with Chapters three and four beings of things to come. It’s a chronological order of events laid out in the early chapters of Revelation.

The church of Ephesus is the church that is orthodox in doctrine but cold. It has “left its first love” (2:4). This church has the right doctrine, but they are cold. This is a current church that has the right message but is cold to the lost. They are more consumed with the letter and not love.

Verses 8-11 is the church that suffers persecution. One might align this with a church in a country like China or an Islamic country. Doctrine is not stated because this church is purged by persecution, so it is not necessary. These churches will be cast into prison for “10 days,” symbolic of a short period of time. Satan is working hard to destroy this church. Social Christians get out because of persecution.

Warnings to the Churches

Pergamum is one of the churches of Revelation that is married to the world. Verses 12-17 describe a worldly church. This church is told to repent. This is the church that Christ fights against. Many churches in America today would fit this mold. It would be known today as a “socially woke” church. For this reason, the true doctrine of Christ is not relevant, and repentance is needed.

churches of revelation warnings and assurances episode 17 from bear his cross podcast
Churches of Revelation: Warning and Assurance | Episode 17 1

Chapter 2:18-29 is the church that tolerates sin. This church is seduced by a woman who assists in committing fornication and worshipping idols. It’s a church that wouldn’t discipline sin and will not purify its ranks. Sin and idol worship of money, or other gods, has diminished this church to a fake. Again, Biblical doctrine is ignored because of its abrasiveness, and so the church descends into more sin.

The next in the series of churches of Revelation is Sardis the dead church. They may have many members, but the life of the church is diminishing fast. There is no fruit being produced by this church, and even the remaining life support items of the church are dying quickly. There is no joy in this church, and at any moment, the life of this church will be snuffed out. There is no connection between this church and Jesus due to the deadness because Jesus is life.

Loving and Lukewarm churches of Revelation

We do find hope in the two of the churches of Revelation. The faithful church of Philadelphia has kept God’s word nor denied his name. We might relate this to a missionary church. A church that is focused on love and outreach. Again, churches like this exist even today.

I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.

Revelation 3:8

Laodecia is the last of the churches of Revelation and is the apostate church. The church of liberalism. The church is neither “cold nor hot.” They will be a rejected false church. Because of the position of this church, they will be “spewed out” or vomited out of Christ’s inheritance. This is a warning to churches that even exist to churches today.

Thoughts on the Churches of Revelation

A church may have members who are still standing for what is right and working to serve Jesus. However, a church will be reflective of what the leadership and the majority of members are striving for. If a church is faithful they may find themselves to be like Philadelphia. A church that is fallen into being “work” or liberal could find itself to be like Pergamum.

Jesus’ instruction to John the revelator is clear and applicable to our society today. The amazing thing about The Bible is that it transcends time. The warnings and assurance still apply to this very day. Be sure to join the podcast next week to study the chronological order of the end times.

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