Have you asked yourself, "What in the World is wrong with everybody?" It seems that we constantly have strife and contention at every turn. The question is not just in the political world but in all aspects of life. This podcast episode is for you...
The dangerous doctrines of false churches have been around for quite some time, and we are not surprised by this taking place. The Christian Church has always been under attack, and Satan loves to attack the Church by changing the Church into...
Strong Christians need to be awakened. For far too long, we have been asleep at the wheel regarding issues believers face in society. Modern society works hard to change Christianity radically. Merriam-Webster added the word "Woke" to its dictionary...
The Church is more than just a physical building. As a matter of fact, many in today's society do not understand what the "church" really is. The Church is not a place to sing songs, hear someone preach, or even go to Sunday School, and the Church...
Sometimes throw stones, sometimes don't. Not a popular point of view in Christian discussion in today's society, but that's the topic for this podcast episode. As Christians, we are often reminded of the phrase, "he who cast the first stone." No...