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Before the Last Days: A Comfort To Believers | Episode 13

the last days podcast series

Before the Last Days, Paul writes in 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 that believers in Jesus will be called out of the world. This is our comfort before hell on Earth. Evil characters such as the antichrist, and the false prophet have not yet arrived.

This podcast is a preface to the events of the Last Days. A comfort to those who put their faith in Christ, but also a warning to those who scoff at his coming appearance. The next episodes in the podcast will discuss what will take place after believers are taken out of the world.

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Paul Describes Before the Last Days

Paul is writing to the Thessalonians to comfort them as to the next event before the Last Days. Paul tells the believers that he does not want them to be confused about what will take place in the last days and before the day of the Lord, known as Judgement day. Before we begin this series, I believe it is essential to outline the events about believers.

Although this term does not appear in The Bible, this is the event known as “the rapture.” An event where Jesus will set the stage by appearing with a “shout” the trump of the archangel. The bodies of dead believers will come out of their graves to meet their spirits, and we that are alive will meet them in the air. There is no judgment at this event.

“Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord

1 Thessalonians 4:16

1 Thessalonians 4:16 states, “For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:” Paul goes on to write in verse 17, “Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

Christ Will Return

Christ’s call can happen at any time, and this is the hope of all believers. The rapture is the event that we are waiting to take place. At this time believers will be attending the marriage supper of the Lamb. The tribulation period, known as the last days, that we will discuss in the future podcasts, will not be an event where current believers will be there. Let me provide some Biblical evidence for this statement.

In 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Paul writes that the believers “…wait for his Son from heaven, whom he has raised from the dead, even Jesus, which delivered us from the wrath to come.” There are those who would speculate that this may be the lake of fire as written in Revelations. Paul’s word usage is clear that the next event is Jesus appearing.

before the last days lessons from 1 Thessalonians 4
Before the Last Days: A Comfort To Believers | Episode 13 1

Chapter 4 verse 18 gives the explanation to “comfort one another with these words.” There would not be a comfort to the believer if the day of the Lord was to be expected in the series of events that will take place. In chapter five verse two Paul goes on to state, “the day of the Lord” after the statement in Chapter 4.

1 Thessalonians Timeline

Paul is not writing a cryptic message here. He clearly lists the events to take place starting in chapter 4 that leads to the events that will take place in chapter 5. 1 Thessalonians chapter 4 describes events before the last days. Chapter 5 then gives a description of the Last Days and events to come that we will discuss throughout the series in this podcast.

If you are looking for more evidence, look to the 5th chapter verse nine. Paul clearly states, “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.” We should then “…watch and be sober.” Titus 2:13 also states we are looking for the blessed hope and appearance of Jesus Christ. So why does this matter? As Christians why would we need to preface anything before the Last Days?

“Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;”

Titus 2:13

This is a very good question, and one worth asking. It matters because there are many today that are doomsday messengers. Many politicians think because of “Climate Change” we are about to be wiped out. I would even say there are those who would like Christians to live in fear of a virus like COVID-19. Knowing this, the future for all believers is very clear.

Believers Have Hope Before the Last Days

We are to not live in fear and to be looking for Christ. The same God who created all things is still in control of all things. The Judgement to come in the last days is not reserved for believers. In this podcast series, I hope to bring clarity to what will take place when we are not here. Keeping in mind that it is all in God’s hands. None of the events will take God by surprise. I do hope that we can be joyful knowing that we are looking for Jesus.

Paul wrote that we are not to be disturbed by future events. I want to make that clear to all those who may listen to the podcast. If you have not accepted Jesus, then there is a reason to lose your composure in the future. If you are a believer, before the last days you are going to be evacuated out. That alone should give us peace. Now that we have this settled, please join me for the next podcast where we will discuss, The Last Days according to Jesus.

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