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Absolute Confidence in Christ and Salvation – Romans 10:9

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Paul’s writings in Romans 10:9 give non-believers the path toward salvation, and believers can have absolute confidence in Christ and salvation. This may be the most simple statement that you could read about this particular bible verse. However, there is so much more to the verse than what is stated at the start of this paragraph.

One thing is certain in the world we live in today, chaos ensues. All people have found themselves in a world focused on pandemics, vaccines, inflation, politics, etc. The name above would leave even the most confident of us to wonder can we have absolute confidence in anything? The good news I have for you is a resounding “yes.” However, that confidence will not be found in anything earthly.

Absolute Confidence in Christ

Secular historians will debate who Jesus was until he returns. As a believer, we know that we live by faith. Faith is a gift of God. I believe that Paul said it best in Ephesians 2:8. In this letter to the Ephesians Paul wrote, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” Christians who put their confidence in Christ, know this cannot be achieved by a secular opinion.

Faith is that precious gift that not only gives us confidence but absolute confidence. The type of confidence that will make you put everything on the line, much like Paul did. Before we can fully get to the point of absolute confidence we need to understand the idea of Christ and salvation. Let us dive into this thought.

Christ and Salvation

One thing is certain we are all going to leave this life one day. That uncertainty has caused the human race to search for the afterlife for as far back as history can tell us. To believers, death is only the beginning. To unbelievers, it is still a great mystery. That being stated, Paul wrote of the path towards salvation. Let us keep in mind that faith is part of the process.

Romans 10:9 states, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.” By faith, one can have salvation by faith that God has raised Christ from the dead. The next step is to confess our belief in Christ. So can we find an example of this in the Bible?

Paul's writings in Romans 10:9 give non-believers the path toward salvation, and believers can have absolute confidence in Christ and salvation.
Absolute Confidence in Christ and Salvation – Romans 10:9 1

Jesus and the Theif on the Cross

At the time of Jesus’ crucifixion, two thieves were crucified beside Him (Luke 23:33–43). Both began their time on the cross by mocking and blaspheming Him, as did many of the spectators. One of the thieves responded in faith to the message of salvation and was taken to paradise that very day. He is the one usually referred to as the thief on the cross.

While one accepted Christ and salvation in him, the other man did not respond in faith. To be very blunt about this, this denial of Jesus means he is now suffering from a deadly and eternal mistake. The dying thief had absolute confidence in Christ. The other was following the way of many in the world today.

Christ and Salvation

Jesus taught in Matthew 22:14, “For many are called, but few are chosen.” Many may look at this as Jesus saying that only those “chosen” can have eternal life. It is important that we do not overlook the statement, many are called. Two hanged on the cross with Jesus, both were called. Only one was chosen because of his faith in Christ.

Both men had the option to take the “narrow road” to salvation. Only one chose this path. This is a very good picture of the world we live in today, and what Paul was trying to convey in Romans 10:9. Salvation is for those who believe in Christ, and his resurrection. Confession is then part of our mission as believers to the world. The story of Christ is to be shared with all.

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Absolute Confidence in Christ and Salvation – Romans 10:9 2

Romans 10:9 and Lessons from Paul

Paul stated in Romans 10:9, “thou shalt be saved.” A lost person may ask, “what am I being saved from?” That is a very good question to the unbeliever. Simply put, eternal death. To those who do not put their absolute confidence in Christ and salvation in him, Hell is their destination. Much like the criminal on the cross who rejected Christ.

I would not be doing my part as a believer if I did not sound the alarm on Hell. Hell was created for Satan and his angels. Those 1/3 of angels rebelled against God and in doing so condemned themselves to this place of torment. Due to man’s rejection of God’s son, mankind has now found his soul in Hell. Humans needed a way of escape.

The Choice is Yours for Eternity

Readers may not like what I have written. God’s word is not going to be popular with those in the world. To quote one of my good friends, “the world has their father.” This does not change the spiritual truth that those who reject Christ, or don’t like what I have written, still need the warning.

Paul wrote in Romans 10:9 that salvation is for the taking. If you are an unbeliever, let me encourage you to read God’s word, The Bible. Study it, and see if it does not impact your heart. To the believer, read The Bible, and grow. When you have absolute confidence in Christ, share the good news. Others eternity depend on it.

Let me know your thoughts on Pauls writings in Romans 10:9 by commenting.

Further reading