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The Last Days According to Jesus: Mark 13 | Episode 14

the last days podcast series

The last days according to Jesus will be some troubling times. Episode 14 will discuss what will take place in the last days as written in Mark 13.

This podcast is about Jesus’ statement of the events of the Last Days. A comfort to those who put their faith in Christ, but also a warning to those who scoff at his coming appearance. The next episodes in the podcast will discuss the last Antichrist.

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The last days according to Jesus will be discussed among believers today much like it was his disciples when he was on Earth. Jesus is spending time with his disciples in the last days before His crucifixion and resurrection on Earth.

In Mark 13, Jesus is giving a picture of history that is to come. What he is teaching his disciples is prophecy. Those who do not believe that we can have a glimpse of what the future holds, are deceived. Jesus paints the canvas of what will happen in the future here on Earth. These will be events that are going to take place. Believers should recognize this because it is what we have seen in history.

The followers of Jesus were convinced that he was the king that was prophesied about. Disciples believe that the glorious kingdom prophesied by the Old Testament prophets is about to take place. Isaiah 9 states, “the government will be on his shoulders.” Jesus’ followers are now waiting for him to take over the secular government of Isreal.

The Disciples Expectations

They were waiting on Jesus to establish a physical kingdom where Isreal will be restored, God’s enemies will be destroyed. The Jewish people will be gathered together again into the promised land, and He (Jesus) will rule the world. Righteousness and peace will now rule the earth. Jesus has been validated to be this coming king they were waiting for.

To the followers of Jesus, everything was now tracking to take place. At this moment his followers ask him, “When will the kingdom come?” The disciples expect that after Jesus’ resurrection, based on what he told them about his passion, he would return to put the kingdom in place.

In Mark 13, the disciples ask, “when will these things be?”

(Jesus answers in verse 5-14) Mark 13:6 describes those who have come before and will again come in the future who call themselves a Messiah. We have even seen this take place in many of our lifetimes with people such as Jim Jones, and David Koresh. Many today find themselves under the persecution of governmental bodies. Christians in China, and in Muslim countries are put to death for belief in Christ.

the last days according to Jesus on bear his cross podcast
The Last Days According to Jesus: Mark 13 | Episode 14 1

No doubt those of the early church also saw the same persecution from the Roman empire and other governments. What Jesus is saying about the last days seems to be terrifying to those who may believe in him. Jesus then carries it a step further. I do believe applies to the world we live in today. In Mark 13:10 Jesus tells us that before the last days will come, the “gospel must be published among all nations” and we see this with the use of digital technology.

The Last Days According to Jesus and Families

Before the last days according to Jesus, families will even be split due to the belief in Jesus as the Messiah. Father will turn against son, son against father, and brother against brother. Children will rise up against the “Christian” belief their parents may have, and become a blasphemous generation. The family dynamic will crumble as this takes place, and the destruction of familial norms will be hated in society.

If you do not believe this is true, look at what is taking place in our society today. If you suggest that marriage is between one man and one woman you will be scorned. The “woke” culture will tell believers that the gospel was written for a time period, but that doesn’t apply anymore. (I have had someone tell me this.) Furthermore, a generation will not follow biblical science any longer as they accept changes to truths about biology.

There is a growing number in our society that will verbally curse you, and “cancel” you if you believe that there is only male and female. To teach God created them “male and female” will now have you shouted down by social warrior groups in our nation. Even many churches and church leaders will shift from Biblical truths to satanic doctrines on family and biological sex.

The Last Days and Wokeism

Because there will be those who do not accept this new “woke” gospel hatred will follow. According to Jesus, before the last days, this will take place. This gives validity to what Jesus teaches and should be an encouragement to believers when they see this take place.

Christians will be hated among all other people outside of those who believe. The belief in Jesus as the savior of the world will be mocked by both family and foe. Jesus is very clear when we see this take place. When we are hated for his name’s sake, we are to endure to the end for our salvation. This simply means Christian we are not to surrender what we know to be the truth.

With all of these events taking place, it seems like The Last Days are upon us. Jesus tells us that even with terrible events taking place, the last days are not yet here. By using conjunction in verse 14, Jesus starts to roll out the coming last days. Trouble will escalate before the coming last days according to Jesus. On the next podcast, the topic of the last antichrist will be discussed, I hope you will join me!

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